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Sustainability: Home

This guide provides a general overview of the concept of sustainability as well as eco-friendly tips for businesses and homes.


Welcome to the GCLS Resource Guide on sustainability.

This guide provides a general overview of the concept of sustainability as well as eco-friendly tips and resources for businesses and homes.

What is sustainability?


Definition of Sustainability: According to the EPA, "Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations (EPA, 2022)."

In other words, humans must use resources from the natural environment in order to survive. To use natural resources sustainably means that nature is able to replenish them at a rate that is greater than or equal to the rate at which they are consumed.

To provide a framework for understanding how today's choices will affect current and future generations across the globe, the concept of sustainability is often broken down into the three E's: Economy, Ecology/Environment & Equity. Per the American Library Association's Social Responsibilities Round Table,

1. Economy is the management and use of resources to meet household and community needs.

2. Ecology is the pattern of relationships between living things and their environment. We all know our shoe size. How many of us know the size of our “ ecological footprint,” the amount of air, land, and water it takes to support us?

3. Equity is fairness. Ideally everyone in a community shares in its well-being. Where there is equity, decisions are based on fairness and everyone (regardless of race, income, sex, age, language, sexual orientation, or disability) has opportunities and is treated with dignity.

Sustainability: Home & Personal Resources

Sustainability: General Resources

Sustainability: Business Resources

Sustainability: Library Resources

Business Databases:

  • Gale Business Resources: Includes Business Plans Handbook, company profiles, encyclopedias, etc.
  • Business Source Premier: This collection features full text and searchable cited references for top journals covering a variety of business disciplines. In addition, it includes market research reports & industry reports.
  • Small Business Reference Center: This database offers full text for many consumer small business reference books, as well as the necessary tools and instructions to address a wide-range of small business topics.

Science Databases:

  • Today's Science: Bridges the gap between the science that students learn in the classroom and the discoveries pushing the boundaries of science today.
  • Science Online: Science Online conveys the visual nature of science in a clear and easy-to-comprehend manner.
  • Science Reference Center:  A comprehensive research database that provides easy access to a multitude of full text science-oriented content.

Catalog Searches: Clicking on any of the terms below will perform a catalog search for all items across LOGIN with that subject, including books, ebooks, videos, etc. Eligible patrons may borrow these items.


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